Nervous System


Tuesdays 7.00 - 8.30pm

This practice is designed to empower students with tools to regulate their bodies stress responses & rebuild a robust & adaptable nervous system.

A collection of breath & brain training self regulation practices, along with interoception focused gentle yoga to soothe & ground our nervous systems, restore vagal tone & equilibrium, rebuilding our inner resilience & capacity to effectively metabolise & bounce back with ease after stress .

A profoundly supportive practice f you have found yourself suffering from :

  • Anxiety, fear, emotional overwhelm

  • Chronic pain, aches or muscle tension

  • Difficulty relaxing or switching off

  • Depression, feeling flat & unmotivated

  • Digestive issues such as IBS, SIBO, pain,
    constipation or bloating

  • Insomnia

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Depleted Immune System

  • Ongoing fatigue & lethargy


Yoga Therapy

Fridays 8.30 - 10.00am 

In Yoga Therapy, Traditional Hatha Yoga meets Traditional Chinese Medicine, as we learn therapeutic yoga postures that directly engage the 12 main meridians feeding into our primary organs. Learning to not only heal our bodies, but to discover the mind-body-spirit connection directly on the mat. Exploring the understanding that when our thoughts, beliefs & behaviors are misaligned from our true essence, that this blocks the flow of chi/prana through these channells, manifesting physically as tightness, rigidity & pain in the body, & eventually dis-ease. 

In Yoga therapy we practice to re-establish the unobstructed flow of this energy, with the tools of asana, pranayama, mindfullness & directed awareness, to re-align body & mind with Spirit.


Yin Yoga

Fridays 5.00 - 6.30pm 

In Yin Yoga we explore long held therapeutic asanas that generate the flow of chi through the fascia & the energy channels of the bodymind.

Releasing deep layers of contraction held in the connective tissue & influencing the 12 main meridians that feed into all of our primary organs.

We invite suppleness & flexibility into the physical body & restore harmony & balance to the mental & emotional bodies.

Whilst cultivating Mindfulness; the art of neither withdrawing from nor identifying with whatever arises, physically, psychologically & emotionally.

Thus allowing deep release on all level of our beings & inviting integration of Body, Mind & Spirit.


Womb-ens Yoga

Wednesdays 8.30 - 10.00am

A soothing, gentle yoga therapy practice that calms & tonifies the nervous system & promotes the flow of blood & chi into the specific endocrine glands & organs that play a key role in a woman's hormonal balance.

Whilst simultaneously reconnecting us to the more yin/feminine aspects of our 'being' nature, inherent in embodying, feeling, sensing & intuiting on the mat.  

Assisting the alleviation of  menstrual & menopausal discomfort, such as mood swings, fatigue, PMS, lower back pain, cramps, heaviness, hot flushes, irritability, anxiety & depression. 


Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra

Wednesdays 1.00 - 2.30pm 

Restorative yoga is a deeply relaxing practice that invites profound rest to our body, whilst cultivating a peaceful relationship with our mind.

The long held postures support the reversal of the stress response in the body, tonifying & nourishing the nervous system & nurturing the organs that play a key role in restoration & renewal.

Each posture is supported with an abundance of props & cushions, so the body is able to completely let go & focus on the meditation of simply resting in effortless awareness & bathing in the vitality available in this & every present moment.

The practice completes with a profoundly restorative yoga nidra meditation to deeply relax, regulate & tonify the nervous system.