with Tina Nance



We’ve had such an overwhelming response to our upcoming December Nervous System Rewire Training, that we now have a waiting list that far exceeds our capacity for registration!

So we’ve responded to your needs by creating a second Nervous System Rewire training running just 2weeks earlier !

Limited spots left - Information & Registrations Below :


HELD : The School of Embodied SELF Integration is focused on the Revelation & Integration of our SOMATIC SOVEREIGNTY.

Embodying practices that truly empower us & authentically liberate our freedom from suffering, by connecting us with our INNER AUTHORITY.

Via HELD’s practices of Heart -centred Embodied Listening we RE-MEMBER how to LISTEN to the language of our body.

Re-connecting with the INTERNAL VOICE of KNOWING, the Alive & Burning Truth of each unique moment that exists inside of every one of US. 

That expresses through the Wisdom of our BODIES, the whispering of our HEARTS & the EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE translating as a somatic stirring of our SOUL.

You see our Body is consistently communicating to us our alignment or misalignment with our truth. Its language is sensation, & expansion & contraction are its expression.

When we commit each day to EMBODIED PRACTICES that regularly focus our attention inside,  this enlarges a part of our brain called the INSULA which is responsible for our INTEROCEPTION.

Interoception is our SENSITIVITY to our internal embodied experience & it is a trainable skill!

The more we shift our focus inside, the more is revealed to us & a whole internal universe opens to us, a DIRECT CONNECTION to our knowing, our wholeness & our TRUTH.

Our BODY is our WAY HOME.

 Upcoming Offerings

Teacher Trainings :

2024 - Yin Yoga, Nervous System Rewire & Restorative Yoga

2025 - Embodied Trauma Integration & Embodied Feminine Arts


Yin Yoga

Our Yin Yoga classes & programmes combine the wisdom of yoga, chinese medicine, buddhism & contemporary fascial science on the mat.

Unwinding the contractions held in our connective tissue & influencing the 12 main meridians that feed into all of our primary organs.

Integrating our body mind & spirit.



In our Yoga Therapy classes & programmes we influence the 12 primary meridian pathways within our Hatha Yoga practice.

To re-establish the unobstructed flow of chi/lifeforce within all of our primary body systems.

Utilising the tools of pranayama, mindfulness & directed awareness within our asana to re-align with & embody our true nature.

Nervous System Regulation

Our Nervous System Rewire classes & programmes empower students with self regulation tools to rebuild robust & adaptable nervous systems.

A collection of breath, brain training & somatic practices, restorative yoga & yoga nidra, to rewire our nervous systems & restore vagal tone. Rebuilding our inner resilience & capacity to effectively bounce back with ease after stress.


Embodied Feminine Arts

Our Embodied Feminine classes & programmes are designed specifically for women to offer empowering education on female anatomy, hormonal health & feminine well being.

Including Hormone Balancing Yoga Therapy, Arvigo Technique Womb Alignment, Yoni Mapping & Pelvic Care, Self Compassion, Heart-centred Meditations, & Embodied Practices that foster Emotional & Somatic Intelligence & train in the Feminine Arts.

Embodied Trauma Integration

Our Embodied Trauma Integration Programmes provide a comprehensive understanding and cultivation of direct skills for integrating and bringing resolution to trauma both in ourselves and others

Including Trauma-Informed Yoga, IFS, Yoga Nidra, Embodied Unwinding & Somatic Experiencing .

Cultivating safe professional containers for profound healing and transformation.

Embodied Mindfulness

Our Embodied Mindfulness programmes are a deep immersion into the Embodied Mindfulness Practices of Yoga, Buddhism, Trauma Integration & beyond. 

Exploring the compassion based mindfulness techniques of somatic self inquiry, self compassion, authentic relating & conscious communication, embodied unwinding, mindful yoga, meditation, yoga nidra & Integrating buddhist psychology & mindfulness into our daily life

 Hi, I’m Tina.

E- RYT 500 Yoga Teacher Trainer:

I have been practicing Yoga for over 25 years and teaching Yoga, Somatic Inquiry & Women’s Work around the globe since 2001, in classes, workshops, retreats and yoga teacher trainings.

I am deeply passionate about creating opportunities for people of all backgrounds to connect directly and experientially with their body-mind and Spirit via the Embodied Arts.

I am the founder of HELD : School of Embodied Self Integration & the somatic practice of Embodied Unwinding.

HELD runs 100hr Yoga Teacher Trainings in Yoga Therapy, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga & Nervous System Regulation, Embodied Trauma Integration, Embodied Mindfulness & Embodied Feminine Arts.

My work centres within the understanding that many of the contractions of the body-mind, are a manifestation of identifying with thoughts and behaviours that are misaligned with the truth of who we are.

All of my embodiment based programmes focus on consciously unravelling these holding patterns within our body-mind's, in a myriad of ways, with guided transformative loving awareness.

In cultivating the art of heart-centred embodied listening : deep presence, curiosity, directed awareness, compassionate holding and conscious breath within each asana, we explore all eight limbs of yoga on the mat.

In connecting to our innate essence as loving presence we learn to contain, embrace & integrate all that arises, embodying the integration of body, mind and spirit.

In the last decade i specialised in Yin Yoga & Embodied Mindfulness, and Yoga Therapy for Women's Wellness.

More recently in response to all that i have learnt directly in my recovery from my own battle & growth with trauma & nervous system dysfunction, i have passionately expanded into Embodied Trauma Integration practices including Nervous System Regulation, IFS (Internal Family Systems), Somatic Experiencing, Trauma Informed Yoga Nidra & Trauma Informed Yoga.

I am a long time resident yoga teacher & teacher trainer at The Yoga Barn in Bali, Indonesia, teaching regular Classes, Workshops & 6x 100hr HELD Embodied Arts Teacher Trainings & a 500hour HELD Advanced Yoga Teacher Training programme.

And i am currently creating my HELD Online Yoga & Embodiment School where i am offering ongoing Online Classes, Workshops, Trainings & Teacher Trainings in Yoga & the Embodied Arts, Somatic Inquiry & Embodied Trauma Integration.

Watch this Space!

 500hr E- RYT, Dip Ki Yoga Therapy, Dip Health Sciences, Dip Shiatsu, Dip Remedial Massage, Dip Vibrational Medicine.