Yin Yoga Therapy Classes
8x 30min Therapeutic Yin Yoga Classes
to Nourish the 12 Primary Organ Systems of the Body
In Yin Yoga we explore long held therapeutic asanas that generate the flow of chi through the fascia & the energy channels of the bodymind. Releasing deep layers of contraction held in the connective tissue & influencing the 12 main meridians that feed into all of our primary organs. We invite suppleness & flexibility into the physical body & restore harmony & balance to the mental & emotional bodies. Whilst cultivating Mindfulness; the art of neither withdrawing from nor identifying with whatever arises, physically, psychologically & emotionally. This allows a deep release on all level of our beings & invites integration of Body, Mind & Spirit.
Please note: You can purchase a single class or the entire series
Yin Yoga Therapy Online Yoga Classes
Yin Yoga Therapy: Full Series
All 8 classes for holistic therapeutic support
Have access to all 8 classes so you can select the most appropriate class for you at any time. This bundle is hosted online, which means you can stream them online from your phone or laptop, or you can download them to your device for offline use.
$39.95 $29.95 (Save 25%)